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The Word: Self-Control

Recently, our marketing company (KickGen) sent out an email blast promoting our upcoming tournaments.
The email went out to hundreds of martial artists all over the U.S promoting a Christ-centered, family friendly martial arts competition venue with a zero tolerance for unsportsmanlike behavior and a return to the days of honor and respect among martial artists. Amazingly, 90% of the response from so called “honorable” martial artists was negative; many requested the removal of their emails from the KickGen mailing list, most blasphemed the name of Christ or outright cursed us for the mission of sharing the Gospel through the martial arts.
Admittedly, it was very difficult to read their responses and not take personal insult much less respond to every single one of them with the indignation they rightfully deserved. Why would the secular martial arts world respond with such venom and utter hatred for the Christian message in the martial arts? Why would those who supposedly train to reach enlightenment reject biblical truth and instead blindly follow the ways of Funakoshi or Ueshiba or some other long-dead martial arts master? Why do they profess to following “the Way” and yet reject the True Master who IS the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)? Why do they speak about teaching honor but ridicule those who would quote the 5th Commandment as their moral absolute for the very definition of honor?
You see, the world wants peace, love, charitable giving, and hope; however, they want all those things without Jesus Christ. They don’t want the things of the Spirit for they are foolishness to them and cannot comprehend them for they are spiritually discerned (1Cor 2:14).
So how is a Christian martial artist to react when their Master is dishonored?
Are we to lower ourselves to the world’s standards, react in the flesh, with a sharp tongue and anger in our hearts or should we expect to encounter the rejection and hatred that the very Lord we serve experienced himself?
Remember that the enemy is like a ravenous lion seeking all he can devour (1 Peter 5:8). He wants us to lose our temper, to say and react as we shouldn’t. Why? Because he wants to take the only thing that sets you apart from the world; He wants to destroy your testimony for Jesus Christ!
As Christians we are not to be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2) yet we are called to be the salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:13).
We are to remember we are Ambassadors to Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:20)
We are to go out and teach all nations in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)
As Christian Martial artists and instructors we have the responsibility to be all these things and we have the added privilege of serving the One True Master who is Christ Jesus!
While the email experience has only served to strengthen us and galvanize us in our ministry mission, it has also made us more aware of the need to expand the reach and scope of the Christian martial arts. Organizations like the Black Belts for Christ , Christian Martial Arts school owners around the country, and publications like the Christian Martial Artist are all part of God’s plan to reach out to those who profess the teaching and practice of enlightenment through the martial arts yet walk in utter darkness.
On a positive note, a couple of dozen school owners called or wrote us to thank us and encourage us in our ministry mission. They spoke of searching for an alternative to the egos, attitudes, bad sportsmanship, and negativity they’ve experienced at secular tournaments. Many became members and the ranks of the Black Belts for Christ membership increased as a result (praise God!).
As a direct result of these contacts, we are now developing a network of Christian Martial arts school owners and martial artists that will allow the expansion of the Black Belts for Christ tournaments to 12 states in 2010 and eventually all 48 continental US states! If you feel God has called you to be part of something greater than yourself we invite you to join us in our mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ; we encourage you to become one of us – Black Belts for Christ!

Keep the Faith!

Joe Morejon, Director
Black Belts for Christ


Happy New Year!

One thing I make a big deal about in my dojo is reading through the Bible every year. And as we get close to the beginning of new year it comes to be an important part of the lessons to my students. I encourage every student to do it, and in fact will not test anyone for Shodan until they have read completely through God’s Word at least once. And then require yearly Bible reading after Shodan as the foundation for the Spiritual Curriculum of our school. I provide handouts with a daily reading schedule, have the daily readings posted on my schools web site, and even provide a link there where the student can have the daily reading sent to their email address, so all they have to do each day is read their email and they will get through the Bible every year.
It is my strong belief that if you claim to be a Christian and have not read through God’s Word in the Bible at least once, you are kidding yourself. Kind of like the old saying “If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”.
Well in my dojo Bible reading is a key piece of evidence.
With all that in mind, in his Exam report, one of our 2nd kyu students Jim Hurley, recently wrote one of the best explanations I’ve ever read from a martial artist perspective for Bible reading and I thought your readers might also find it very insightful. He said that developing the character of Christ begins with the daily reading of God’s Word and wrote:

“It provides for me a strategy, an ability to think tactically and to plan ahead for the trials and temptations I know I will ultimately face.”

Isn’t that great? Not just reading the Bible because you should, or it’s the “Christian” thing to do, but because it provides a daily means of strategy and preparation mentally and tactically for the attacks of the enemy. That’s outstanding! I hope that inspires you as it does me, and helps you look forward to tomorrows reading with a new perspective.

God bless.

—Ron Hagelganz
Whole Armor Martial Arts Inc.


I am so excited about The Christian Martial Arts Magazine online. What an opportunity for Christian martial artists worldwide to come together and grow in Christ and in the arts.
In today’s world it can be difficult to stand alone for Christ, and in the martial arts world it is no different. Many have expectations that the arts will be different from the world:

“The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants.”
–Master Gichin Funakoshi

Sadly enough, this is not so . . .
There is much politics and ego in the martial arts and this leads to an unsatisfactory end. As Christians, it should be our goal to have the mind of Christ in all that we do, to be an example of His humility as we serve one another both those who know him and those who do not.
“Therefore, if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2: 1-4
If we, as martial arts Christians, can grow together as a body of believers, if we can be like minded, if we can be humble servants, then we will be an example to those who do not know Him. If we can help one another in our weaknesses and not shoot our wounded, if we can bear one another’s burdens with grace, then and only then will the world tip toe closer to see why we are different.
Join me here, online, and read and participate in The Christian Martial Artist Magazine and together we can make a difference for Christ.

—Dana L. Stamos

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