Christian Academy of Martial Arts

Wayne Riehle

Sensei Wayne Riehle

Founded by: Sensei Wayne Riehle in 2008.
Headquarters Address: 21 High St., West Milton, Ohio 45383
School address: Community Grace Brethren Church 2261 South Miami St., West Milton, Ohio 45383
Membership costs: $40 per month
Mission statement:
We believe in the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We study the Bible and nothing but the Bible. We do not compromise our faith under no circumstances. The only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ.

Interested readers can contact: Sensei Wayne Riehle at or by telephone: (937) 698-1138 Home or (937) 231-4704 Cell.

The Christian Academy of Martial Arts is a martial arts ministry that teaches primarily isshinryu karate and jiu-jitsu.
“We opened Jan. 6, 2009 and are just getting our name out there,” said Wayne Riehle, fifth dan and founder of the CAMA. “We’re an outreach ministry. We strive to seek the lost and lead them to Christ through our martial arts programs.”
The CAMA also teaches a style of self-defense called Shinjashindo, which means Christian heart way of life. Shinjashindo is a blend of krav maga, isshinryu, jiu-jitsu, arnis, aikido, defensive tactics, modern weapons and street defense.
Shinjashindo classes are separate from the karate and jiu-jitsu curriculum. Shinjashindo is designed for security, law enforcement and anyone interested in reality-based self-defense, Riehle said.
“This is a program all in itself,” Riehle said. “Ranking is done through certificates only and not belts. Street clothes can be worn. This is a more modern combat art.”
Riehle said his school shares the Bible, takes prayer requests, and has an ongoing Bible study that flows through each promotion.
“Christianity is a big part of our curriculum,” Riehle said. “We have verses for each promotion. They must also, after blue belt, explain how this verse applies to our art and to life in general. We have also taken out the majority of the eastern principles and have replaced them with Biblical principles. We also removed any philosophy of eastern study and replaced it with Christianity. We strive to wear the full armor of God.”
The CAMA has adult classes for people 10 years old and up, but they also have a child’s class called Little Shepherds, Riehle said.
“The children’s class is run separate, but at the same time as the adults’,” Riehle said. The children stretch and exercise with the adults, but then go with either Riehle or another instructor to work on the Little Shepherds’ curriculum.

Karate class 137a

Students of the Christian Academy of Martial Arts.

“We have class three nights a week: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,” Riehle said. “Most students usually come to at least two days a week, and some of the more experienced train all three. I also do private lessons in homes or at the dojo.”

“We are very family oriented,” Riehle said. “We do not just train together. We also are very good friends and do many different activities together. We strive to build that closeness with each other.”
While they are not yet affiliated with any other organizations, Riehle said they will be joining the Christian Black Belt Association soon and are looking to affiliate with other Christian organizations.
Riehle said the school is not yet considered a non-profit, but they are in the process of earning non-profit status.
Riehle said his school is self-funded, and takes donations to help curb some of the costs of training manuals and training equipment such as extra protective gear and kicking pads. Donations can be sent to Community Grace Brethren Church earmarked to Karate Ministry care of Wayne Riehle.
Membership is $40 per month, but this does not cover testing or association fees. Testing fees are $10 and the association fees are $25 per year. Riehle said students must purchase their own uniforms and protective gear, which they can do at a reduced cost from the school for $85.
“If they cannot afford it then we can help,” Riehle said. “I have a lot of loaner gear for students to use until they can afford to purchase their own. If they cannot do that then we also have set aside funds to help with this cost.”

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