Ambassador Martial Arts Christian Fellowship

AMA_Shinsei_KenpoFounded by: Philip E. Lewis
Located at: 6968 Northland Dr NE Rockford, MI 49341
Membership costs: $25 for a lifetime membership
Mission statement:
To represent Christ and His Word through the medium of martial arts; to provide instruction, resources, guidance, encouragement, and accountability for like-minded martial artists.

Interested readers can contact: Philip E. Lewis at

Ambassador Martial Arts Christian Fellowship was founded by Soke Philip Lewis, a 7th dan. According to the organizations website, “Life-time membership is available to any Christian who trains in the martial arts, desires to maintain a positive testimony for the Lord Jesus, and who agrees with our statement of faith.”
The organization provides annual events, seminars, fellowship and recognition to its members. Lewis said the organization maintains personal contact with its members and they hold one another accountable.
“We are a young association, now only in our fifth year,” Lewis said. “We are based in West Michigan, but have board members in South Bend, and Ft. Wayne, IN.”

Shepherd's kata

Members of Ambassador Martial Arts practice the Shepherd's form from Lewis' Shinsei Ryu Kenpo style.

The organization is funded through annual conferences and donations made to House of Grace Ministries, an umbrella 501c3 organization, Lewis said.
Ambassador Martial Arts provides expertise in many styles of martial arts including Wado Ryu Karate, Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon Do, Iaido and Arnis. Perhaps the most unique style is Shinsei Ryu Kenpo, a hybrid Kenpo system with biblical symbolism and terminology.
Shinsei Ryu Kenpo is Lewis’ personal system. The style includes forms created by Lewis that walk the practitioner through various Scripture passages, or events.
While the organization is not officially affiliated with other Christian martial arts organizations, Lewis’ Shinsei Ryu Kenpo system is recognized by Gospel Martial Arts Union and the Christian Black Belt Association.
Christ is recognized openly on their website and at every event through prayer and devotions, but also through writings of the organization’s members. Some of their writings include “Art of the Seija” by Rev. Kirk Steward, one of the organization’s board members, and “The Ultimate Self Defense – Devotionals for the Warrior” by Soke Phil Lewis.


Group photo from the Ambassador Martial Arts Fourth Annual Conference.

Lewis said the organization is also in the process of attempting its first mission trip to Brazil in 2010, where he grew up. Lewis said he has ministered there as an adult church-planting missionary, so he has strong roots there.
“Our desire is also to reach the lost for Christ,” Lewis said, “and we encourage Gospel karate demonstrations and the like to that end. We will be both teaching to some contacts and former Christian students of mine from when I was a missionary there, and we will be evangelizing the lost through martial arts contacts and events.”

2 thoughts on “Ambassador Martial Arts Christian Fellowship

  1. The AMA is currently without its website (mentioned above), but can be found through Facebook. We hope to have a new site in the future.

  2. I believe this is a good way to reach out to the lost. I just have no idea as a Christian and as a martial artist on how to do certain things. I tried to reach out to Robert Bussey, with no effect, in search for a mentor in the ways of a Christian man doing something for the kingdom of God with the God given ability in an art that he loves.

    I have a good friend and mentor in the martial arts with Hanshi Frank Dux, but he’s Jewish so we don’t discuss the spiritual side of things. I have my pastor as small part of a mentor with my spiritual side, but I’ve struggled with things there and need a person to help guide me that understands the things I do and love to do.

    Just a little lost in this area. I’ve been praying and seeking guidance from the Lord and his Holy Spirit, with very little to feed back. Just waiting on God I guess.

    Is it sad that I’m 34 and need a mentor? Never had one before.

    Thanks for reading my rambling.

    Michael Reis

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